Mira Advance Shower Troubleshooting

Mira Advance Shower Troubleshooting

The Mira Advance shower, with its innovative design and user-friendly features, is a popular choice for many – when it works properly that is!

However, like any appliance, it may occasionally encounter issues that require some technical know-how.

Whether a flashing light, beeping or resetting your Mira Advance shower, this full troubleshooting guide is designed to help you understand and resolve many of the common problems you might be having with your Mira Advance.

Troubleshooting Mira Advance Shower
Credit: Mira Showers UK

Try Resetting your Mira Advance Shower

Usually carrying out a reset of your Mira Advance shower will resolve many of the more simple shower faults.

Here is how to reset your Mira Advance shower:

  1. First, turn the electric isolation switch off.
  2. Wait a few seconds and then turn it back on.
  3. The “start” button should beep once and flash for 15 seconds.
  4. Once 15 seconds have passed you will be able to try and use it.
  5. You have now successfully reset your Mira Advance.

Once you have managed to reset your Mira Advance shower, if it still isn’t working, you will need to identify what is causing the problem.

Fortunately, we have created the below Mira Advance troubleshooting guide to help.

Mira Advance Shower Troubleshooting

On a Mira Advance shower, the easiest way to know what is wrong with it, is to look at the lights or/and listen for any beeping.

Whatever the problem with your Mira Advance is, the issue will be indicated via the status light, power light and beeping, which together provide an error code.

Mira Advance Error Codes for Troubleshooting

1. Status Light Flashing Red

Status Light Flashing Red

If the status light is flashing red, and the power light is flashing or off, it either means there is some kind of blockage OR (with Mira Advance Flex Extra models, it means there is a Bluetooth signal issue.

2. Status Light Flashing Red and Yellow

Status Light Flashing Red and Yellow

If the status light is flashing red and yellow, and the power light is flashing or off, it means there is an issue with either the heater tank or that it needs emptying.

3. Status Light Flashing Red and Blue

Status Light Flashing Red and Blue

If the status light is flashing red and blue, and the power light is on, flashing or off, it means there is an issue with either the valve, inlet temperature or the front cover assembly.

4. Status Light Flashing Red and White

Status Light Flashing Red and White

If the status light is flashing red and white, and the power light is on, flashing, or off, it means there is an electrical problem with the control or relay board. Resetting your Mira Advance shower may resolve the issue if the power light is flashing as well.

5. Status Light Flashing Yellow and Blue

Status Light Flashing Yellow and Blue

If the status light is flashing yellow and blue, and the power light is off, this means that your Bluetooth is not connected. This only applies to Flex Extra models.

6. Status Light Flashing White

Status Light Flashing White

If the status light is flashing white, and the power light is flashing, this means that your Mira Advance may not have been shut down properly and therefore resetting it may resolve the issue. It could also mean that the temperature is too hot.

7. Status Light is Off

Status Light is Off

If the status light is off, and the power light is off, this means that there is some kind of technical issue causing no power.

If you are still having issues after following the steps above, it is best to get in touch with Mira.

Additionally, check their troubleshooting manual for more information.

Mira Advance Shower Troubleshooting Video

Wrapping Up

The Mira Advance, with its blend of technology and user-friendliness, is designed for longevity and consistent performance.

By understanding its troubleshooting procedures, error codes and potential issues, you can ensure that your shower remains in peak condition.

Remember, while DIY solutions are empowering, never hesitate to seek professional assistance when in doubt.